Kumar Barve



Kumar Barve has emerged as Maryland’s leader in the fight against global climate change. During his 24-year career in the House, Barve has championed innovative environmental legislation that, in many instances, has served as a model for other progressive states:

Renewable Energy Portfolio Standard – Barve helped lead the fight to establish new requirements on Maryland power companies, forcing them to generate more energy from clean, renewable sources.  He overcame stiff opposition from GOP lawmakers and energy industry lobbyists to set a new standard in Maryland, requiring that 20% of our power will come from clean energy.

The 30% Solution – Barve has been a champion of energy conservation.  He worked with then Senator Brian Frosh to modernize Maryland building codes to increased insulation by 30% -- reducing energy consumption and lowering utility bills for families and businesses.

Developing Wind Power -- Working with legislative colleagues, environmental groups and organized labor, Barve pushed successful legislation to spur on the development of Maryland wind power -- increasing energy independence and reducing our reliance on fossil fuels.

Greenhouse Gas Reduction Act of 2009 – Governor Martin O’Malley credits Barve as a  leading force behind the passage of this groundbreaking legislation that requires greater conservation, more use of renewable energy, and a reduction in greenhouse gas emissions.  The legislation sets Maryland on course to reduce pollution to 75% of 2006 levels by the year 2020.    
